
Become a Member

As an SGML member you benefit from exclusive discounts –> see below for the advantages of membership.

Advantages of membership

  • Discounted admission to the SGML Congress
  • Discounted participation in the basic laser course (also very suitable for refreshing knowledge)
  • Authorization to send MPA to an MLA course
  • Brief legal advice from attorney Dr. iur. Gregori Werder from the law firm Werder Viganò in Zurich (20 minutes free initial consultation) and advice at a reduced hourly rate
  • Listing on the SGML website with range of services
  • Authorization to use the second-hand market on the homepage
  • 10% discount on My Way

Membership Requirements

Doctors and dentists who fulfill the following requirements can apply for a membership:

  • Diploma as a doctor or dentist in the respective country
  • Basic knowledge in medical laser applications (proof of participation in workshops, trainings, conferences, etc.)
  • Payment of membership fee of CHF 200.- per year

SGML Statutes


Individuals and legal entities who support the aims of the association may become sponsors by donating an annual amount set by the Board.

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